How To Diagnose Back Pain



Most of us have experienced back pains at some point in our lives. Perhaps your back discomfort was merely the outcome of a pulled muscle, but if a much more significant injury or chronic condition could be the root, your back discomfort may last longer than you think. The initial step to getting the appropriate therapy would be to properly diagnose the root cause of your problem.

Back pains are quite difficult to manage especially because it can affect other parts of your body; your spinal cord contains each of the main nerves in your body, which then extend to your extremities. If your vertebrae or spinal fluid encroach on the spinal cord, you will feel pain in your arms or legs. Aside from pain, you can also feel a tingling numbness. When this takes place in your legs, it is known as sciatica. Nonetheless, it may also take place in your upper body. For that reason, if you have signs and symptoms like discomfort in your neck or arms, your medical doctor need to check your back right away.

It can be challenging to figure out the root cause of your back pain because of too many factors. Your doctor will most likely start off by asking you about your daily activities and routines; some back pain is brought on by repetitive tension, that’s, performing exactly the same motion over and over. If this is the case, changing your habits may help you.

Digital Motion X-ray 

One diagnostic tool that can be used is the digital motion x-ray, or DMX. A digital motion x-ray differs from a conventional x-ray because it enables you to capture images of your body while in motion. This can be highly advantageous since some patients may only experience pain while in motion and not while they are idle.

A digital motion x-ray functions by capturing about 30 images per second. It combines conventional x-ray techniques with new optical and digital technologies. Depending on the type of pain you’re experiencing, the physician will take images with you performing different positions.

In contrast to other x-ray strategies, the digital motion x-ray can be utilized to evaluate all of the ligaments in your cervical spine (your neck). The device may also be utilized to detect damage in your ligaments that cannot be seen with MRI’s or conventional x-rays.

So if you feel pain, it is always best to consult your doctor (chiropractor in Charlotte NC for example) right away and have your back tested right away.

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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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