What Makes The Drug Pradaxa So Dangerous?


Pradaxa is one of the most dangerous prescription drugs out there. In the year of 2011, the drug accounted for more than 4.2% of all drug injuries that reported by people experiencing “mild” to severe side effects. The numbers are absolutely astounding when it comes to how many people report these types of drug injuries, ad at a first glance, you may wonder to yourself how in the heck Pradaxa was ever approved by the FDA in the first place.

And Pradaxa has been re-evaluated by the FDA after it had been approved. So not only did they approve it once they went ahead and approved it again after re-evaluation (even after all these reports of injuries came flying in). But the number of reports isn’t even the scariest reason on what makes the drug Pradaxa – which is used to help people with strokes and with a condition known as atrial fibrillation (AF)bythinning the blood – so undeniably dangerous.

So what is the most “can’t believe it got approved by the FDA as a prescription drug” fact about Pradaxa?

The thing that is most unbelievable, is the fact that it got approved without ever having an antidote for it. That’s right, there is no reversal agent for the drug Pradaxa. That means if you start bleeding, you will bleed to death because Pradaxa stops the blood from clotting. There have been a lot of cases of internal bleeding with Pradaxa, like bleeding from the stomach and other intestines, and there have even been deaths from the drug Pradaxa.

So why the FDA continues to allow this drug to be produced is beyond any logic. There are other drugs on the market, like Warfarin that can do the same thing as Pradaxa pretty much, but have an antidote that will allow the blood to begin to clot back up again (in this case the reversal agent is Vitamin K). The end meaning is to make sure that you do your research before deciding on a medication with your Doctor – especially one that has a history of injury reports and Pradaxa lawsuits. Don’t take your doctor’s word for it either. I know a lot of doctor’s that have misguided patients because they weren’t at the top of their game. Make sure that when you go with a medication that you know all of the risks, and that you know all of the alternatives before you start taking any drugs. This should come from a health perspective as well as a financial perspective.

Do know that if you have taken Pradaxa and have been injured, you are entitled to sue. There are tons of lawyers out there that are just dying to take your case, so feel free to contact them at any time.

‘If you want to more details please check  next article accounted for more than 4.2%”


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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on dailyfitnessbuzz.com. She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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