The Rise of Zumba and Alternative Fitness Activities


The days where going to the gym means running on a treadmill or lifting weights are over. These days most gyms, fitness centres and community centres offer a variety of alternative fitness activities. These alternative activities, such asZumba, Bootcamp fitness and yoga are appealing to many who haven’t come to the gym in years or to people who feel stuck in a rut with their normal fitness routines.

Zumba in particular is an alternative fitness activity that has soared in popularity in recent years. Zumba is a workout that incorporates music and dance and is appropriate for beginners while still providing a vigorous workout. Typically Zumba uses Latin and international music and simple dance choreography. It can greatly aid in weight loss because of the high level of movement, the caloric output and the all-over body toning. Zumba fans love the workout because it not only keeps exercisers feet moving and heart pumping, but is also mentally challenging as it requires learning new moves. There are different combinations of fast and slow paces during the workout, making it good interval training. Zumba is appropriate for all ages and can be adapted for people who want lower impact workouts or people who want an extremely vigorous workout. Many gyms offer free trials of Zumba classes for people who want to try a class without commitment.

Bootcamp fitness workouts are great for people who want a high-impact workout that combines a variety of activities. For someone who gets bored easily in the gym, bootcamp workouts are great because of how engaging they are. Military inspired, these workouts combine cardio, strength and agility training. These classes sometimes take place outdoors, making it a great choice for people who spend all day inside and want some fresh air and new terrain. There is also an element of camaraderie and teamwork that fans of bootcamp fitness workouts enjoy. Another cool aspect of bootcamp workouts is that there is typically a fitness test at the beginning of the class and then one again after four to six weeks. Being able to see progress is rewarding and motivating for many people and can give them a push they need to keep exercising.

Zumba, Bootcamp workouts, and other alternative fitness activities have been on the rise and will continue to be popular in 2013. These workouts are entertaining while still being very effective for people wanting to build strength, lose weight, or gain endurance. No matter what someone’s health and fitness goals are they will benefit from the rise in offering of alternative fitness classes. Individuals should check out local fitness centres, gyms and community centres to see what alternative fitness classes may be available in their local area.

This post was guest written by Jonny Grant of the Chill Factore – an indoor Ski Slope in Manchester. As well as offering a range of ski and snowboard classes the Chill Factore host Zumba fitness classes and an exciting Bootcamp in the snow!

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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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