Lifestyle practices & ayurvedic approach for memory boosters

Lifestyle practices & ayurvedic approach for memory boosters

In today’s epoch, unhealthy dietary habits ruin the health of many individuals. Like a healthy body, a healthy mind is as vital as we breathe. Smoking, alcohol, and physical inactivity are a few factors that can pose major health risks. The essence of good lifestyle practices can reflect in you. It makes your body and minds stronger and healthier. 

Ayurveda, the ancient approach has an array of herbs and supplements which helps us to boost memory and aids in mental transformation. Now, from the Ayurvedic herbs list, let’s pick out the top 6 memory enhancing herbs and know how it helps to boost immunity and combat mental illness!

Top 6 memory boosting herbs you should know:

Yes! To achieve a good health manifold here is the list of memory-nourishing herbs to boost your memory naturally.  Incorporate these herbs every day to sharpen your thinking ability and to improve brainpower. Have a look at it now!

1.Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): 

Brahmi is a unique and widely used Ayurvedic herb to lift memory. The leaves taste bitter and provide a cooling effect on our body. This helps to relieve us from stress, improves memory and concentration. Also, adding this wonderful herb in our diet helps to ease Alzheimer’s disease, treats inflammation, soothes gastric ulcers, regulates blood sugar, strengthens the immune system and further, its antioxidant property helps to prevent the cells from oxidative damage. You can prepare a dish using fresh Brahmi leaves or you can take Brahmi tonic available in the market. Buy Ayurvedic supplements from any trusted online pharmacy store in India.  Select the best medicine site, upload your prescription and click on the Ayurvedic products list. Select the medicine and order it in just a few clicks.

2. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis):

Shankhpushpi is a widely used Ayurvedic herb as a memory tonic. It helps to boost memory, increase mental retention power, a great mood stabilizer, helps in relieving stress and also improves the intellect. Shankhpushpi, a promising neuropharmacological effect helps to manage neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s disease. So, treat your forgetfulness using Shankhpushpi syrup. It’s readily available in the market. Order it and improve your mental capabilities right away!

3. Mandukarparni (Centella asiatica):

Mandukarparni boosts memory, intelligence and enhances cognitive skills. The herb is also useful for respiratory infections, lymphatic system, vocal cord, and heart. It improves blood circulation throughout the body, thus reduces fatigue, insomnia, and depression. The herb is available in the form of tablets, capsules, and juice.

4. Amla (Emblica officinalis):

Amla helps to fight against a variety of health ailments. Indian gooseberry is one of the best nourishing herbs used in the Ayurvedic formulations to treat several diseases. Amla is rich in vitamin C, helps to strengthen the immune system, improves memory, lowers cholesterol, supports the cardiovascular system, eases constipation issues, promotes hair growth, rejuvenates the skin, tones muscles, controls acidity, prevents indigestion, and flushes out toxins from the body. Amla is readily available in the form of dried powder, oil, tonic, tablets or capsules. All ranges of Ayurvedic medicine, including healthcare products is available in the online medicine site. Choose the products from the list and order your Ayurvedic herbal products using the web or mobile app at your convenience.

5. Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculata):

Jyotishmati herb is used to enhance memory, eyesight, treat abdominal discomfort, mental alertness and improves cognitive skills. It is also beneficial to treat aches, muscular cramps, facial paralysis, backache, and sciatica pain. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before you try taking Jyotishmati as, too much consumption can generate heat inside the body. Most Ayurvedic doctors prescribe Jyotishmati herb during the winter season and if taken during summer, it is recommended to take in a very low dosage form.

6. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra):

Yashtimadhu is an important Ayurvedic herb used in many Ayurvedic formulation and home remedies. Licorice offers numerous health benefits and treats acidity, cholesterol, respiratory infections, muscular cramps, inflammation, arthritis pain, hair fall; improve seminal weakness, and skin diseases. Yashtimadhu also improves mind and brain health, including memory loss, depression, and emotional stress. Avoid taking licorice if you are a lactating mother and during your pregnancy. The above-listed collection of herbs forms the core of Ayurveda and including them every day helps to heal your disorders naturally. The herbs have an excellent mental-rejuvenating property and it’s ideal to use by all age groups. If you have tried none of the listed herbs, do give a try and enjoy healing your diseases naturally. But, never take any Ayurvedic medicines on your own. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before trying any herbal medicine to avoid any health consequences in the future.

Author Bio: Lakshmi Krishnanunni holds M.Sc., M.Phil in Biochemistry and has strong proficiency in the areas of Immunology, Biomolecules, Cell biology, and Molecular biology to name a few. She has more than 10 years of Research experience in the field of medicinal plant research and Nanotechnology. Her expertise in research has greatly assisted in writing medical, health and research articles for zoylo digihealth.

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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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