3 Tips For Getting Fit For Rugby



Rugby which is also known by the name Rugger, is a form of football which uses an oval ball instead of a round ball and  is played between teams forming either a League(13 players) or a Union(15 players).  Rugby as sports has been around for quite some time since 1823 and appears to have been invented by William Webb Ellis at the Rugby school. The main objective of this game is to score points against the opponent team by adopting kicking, carrying and grounding the oval ball into the scoring area called the in-goal zone. If the ball is grounded with a pressure directed downwards, it earns a try worth 5 points for the scoring team. The team to whom the try is granted now attempts a conversion by placing a drop or a kick. If the ball goes all the way and passes between the goals bars, the conversion is deemed success and two more points worth are granted to the team. Rugby is a demanding sport for its players not only on a physical level but also on mental level. Rugby players need to have bodies which have strong muscles in not only upper body but also lower body, so as to have an all-round physically strong body. Becoming a fit and successful rugby player requires one to have a strict fitness regime which needs to be followed religiously. Some of the tips which one can follow and remain fit for rugby playing are:

Running:Running is the best form of exercise that one may um=undertake to keep fit and prepare for being a good rugby player. Some players opt for running for 5 hours at a stretch so as to build great endurance levels and stamina. Being fit is the primary requisite for a rugby player. One should start off with small 10-15 jogs and gradually increase the distance. Remember listening to one’s body and looking out for some signals that our body may seem to send such as cramps due to over exercising are sure signs to stop and take some rest.

running woman

Thus as rule of thumb, one should run as much as one can manage and squeeze into one’s workout schedule. Again, running helps in toning those muscles of the whole body and if repeated over a period of time surely leads to a better body needed for a good rugby player. Rugby demands a lots of running up and down the field after and during a tackle and surely lots of strength is needed to get out of one and it is here that running and jogging helps. A person may opt for variations in running exercises like long distance running and sprint running.

Exercise: Exercisingmay be in the form of push ups, squatting, weight lifting would surely make one’s body fit and stringer to endure those 80 minutes of running and pushing. Here the main stress is to build stamina and endurance which is what is needed there on the field.Exercising and hitting those irons may strengthen specific muscles which may be needed to run at varying pace. In a Rugby match, player may have to go off from a jog to at full pace in a matter of seconds and this is what a strict exercise regime would help a player prepare for. back-strengthening-exercises-24

Image Credit: health.howstuffworks.com

In addition to being a good runner, one has to prepare his body to bear sudden hits. Doing special squatting exercises so as to build momentum and pace and spring into action once hit, should be included in one’s exercising routine. It always helps to take the experienced advicefrom the game coaches as these coaches are in a better position and knowledge to guide one during the exercise sessions. There is no denting the fact that better one exercises and prepares his body according to the needs of rugby game, better are the chances that their bodies would be able to sustain through the 80 minutes on the field.

Diet:There is no denying the fact that chalking out a proper diet plan in consultation with some dietician keeping in view that endurance, strength and agility has to be built. Balanced-Nutrition

Image Credit: fabodylous.com

Rugby players should concentrate on eating high carbohydrate foods. It is also interesting to understand that intake of fats depends on the position that a player has to play in the team for instance, players like props and locks need to be on a bit fatty side for protection.

Last but not the least, it should be well understood fact that whatever exercise regime or how well the diet plan to assist the preparation be, it is equally important that due importance be given to resting the body. Attending massage sessions help in keeping the body flexible and regenerating the worn out muscles. A tired and well-worn out body would not only act as a hindrance in the preparation, but may also lead to permanent.

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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on dailyfitnessbuzz.com. She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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